A Seed of Gratitude
A Seed of Gratitude. It’s that time of the year again where we usually gather with our family and friends to bring to mind the true meaning of “Thanksgiving” also known as a celebration of gratitude. Prior to my diagnoses I never really reflected much on the meaning of “Thanksgiving” as I do now. It is almost comical to witness how it takes a radical life altering experience such as a cancer diagnoses to appreciate every single blessing we have been entrusted with and surrender a genuine heartfelt “Thanksgiving” offering.
Today, I want to give you a gift…. A “Thanksgiving” gift. For me personally, this is a valuable gift as there is no money in the whole world that could buy it… It is a wholehearted prayer!
A Thanksgiving Prayer
May the light that lives within you ravish your heart with overwhelming joy, saturating your cup with Thanksgiving. May God’s grace enter your home and may His presence unite the hearts of those around you as one. Today, as you and your treasured ones celebrate His every blessing, I pray His love and mercy will shine brightest in any broken place. May you all embrace your lives as a true reflection of His goodness and praise Him through the pain as you watch Him rebuild what is broken and see chains fall off your foundation. May His substance sustain you with “Thanksgiving.” to finish this race of life in victory with much love joy and peace. In Jesus name Amen!

hey there
I'm Karen!
I have found my cancer journey to be a positive and profound transformational experience. I’m inspired to share my healing journey here, and trust you’ll find hope, encouragement and purpose as you discover the healing power that lies within you.
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