Are you a victim of Unbelief?
Do you live with a sense of expectation? With eager anticipation of your desired outcome? In looking for our healing I honestly think we all start out with this intention that healing is possible. However, once we hear doctors’ statistics and the opinion of others, we somehow manage to partner with what has not happened yet, vs. believing in our desired healing and the possibilities of positive outcomes.
So, when it comes to what seems impossible, Have you fallen victim to unbelief? I have witnessed how cancer can suck the life out of people and snatch their faith, courage, valor, peace, even love from them. I know, trust me I know how difficult it is to go through a healing journey and walk through all those scary treatments. I know how fear and doubt can somehow creep through your thoughts and heart. When we choose doubt and unbelief because we focus on our circumstances and the lack we see all around us. But what if you choose differently? Have you wondered what could happen?
Trust me, I know how scary it all is, but what if you and I choose to intentionally live today with a positive expectation that things can change. The bible describes faith as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. I know that the heart of God is to show mercy to us all. If you and I are seriously looking to bring change and healing to our bodies, our minds, our spirits, we can not afford to entertain thoughts that our God doesn’t have about us. Many believe God allows things to happen, can He allow sickness? yet I don’t understand why He would send Jesus to bring healing, forgiveness, deliverance, and redemption for us? Sickness is rooted in the brokenness of our world and He is the savior in the midst of this brokenness.
Today, I would encourage you to intentionally step out of this face of unbelief and to choose to partner with His heart for you. He wants you whole, healthy, prosperous, full of life, in peace, hope, joy, and love for you and others. Will you drop your unbelief and partner with Him today to receive the fullness of life He wants for you and me?

hey there
I'm Karen!
I have found my cancer journey to be a positive and profound transformational experience. I’m inspired to share my healing journey here, and trust you’ll find hope, encouragement and purpose as you discover the healing power that lies within you.
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