Call things that are not as if they were
Things that are not. The above title is rooted in such powerful biblical teaching, that even new age followers have the conviction to practice. I wonder then why not us? Jesus followers and believers of our might king? Is it that we think this is a belief that it only applies in biblical times? Well, let me tell you that it is just as powerful today as it was then.
God showed in the book of Romans that our promises come into existence through our FAITH. I have personally witnessed countless times how God has displayed His mighty grace over my life and others around me. Fulfilling promises that at times I thought would never take place because I continued to focus on what I was seeing at the time. Trust me I know how hard it is to continue to believe things will turn around when you only see the opposite but this is when our FAITH has to be displayed in a bigger magnitude than our pain, despair, or the situation we are.
Healing is possible for you and me and through Jesus Christ the son of the living God. By God’s grace, we now have access to receive God’s healing not only in our physical body but also for our emotional and spiritual states.
Romans 17:13-17
Prayer Declaration
Heavenly Father forgive me for my lack of faith, my doubt, and for my unbelief. I know you are a good Father and your desire is for me and my loved ones to live a long life in health. I ask you Lord today to fill my heart with supernatural faith that will overcome my circumstances. I pray that I won’t forget your promises to me and that you are Faithful to come through with all of them. I know your word does not return to you void. Therefore, today I stand strong in FAITH to receive my complete healing calling into existence what is yet to exist. In Jesus name, amen!
Healing through Faith in Jesus by Karen Berrios

hey there
I'm Karen!
I have found my cancer journey to be a positive and profound transformational experience. I’m inspired to share my healing journey here, and trust you’ll find hope, encouragement and purpose as you discover the healing power that lies within you.
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