Can you have faith and doubt?
Faith is not the absence of doubt, it’s the means to overcome it. – Steven Furtick.
It is hard to have faith when we only see despair or pain in our unchanging circumstances. I can honestly say that we have all fallen guilty of doubt at some point in our journey. But is having doubt a bad thing? the feeling of uncertainty can encourage you to be faithful to call into existence what is yet to exist.
In my healing journey I have faced doubt in multiple occasions. Last week I had my blood work done as a routine follow up and doubt snuck its ugly head once again. Why I wondered? The simple answer is that I am human. I quickly recognize what I am doing and I choose to no longer participate in such mental warfare. But what helps me overcome doubt? the simplest answer is my Faith!
Keeping my FAITH strong is vital to keep my peace and stay on top of my game. Here are some tips I can share that perhaps can help you build your faith.
- Practice Love & Acceptance
- Engage into mindful prayer
- Stay Present
- Read the word of God
- Believe
- Create your reality
This may look very different for you but what matters is that faith can guard your peace and hope to expect what is yet to be seen. Keep it, guard it, as it is by His grace a beautiful gift.
How about you? Do you find yourself in frequent doubt? How do you build your faith?
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hey there
I'm Karen!
I have found my cancer journey to be a positive and profound transformational experience. I’m inspired to share my healing journey here, and trust you’ll find hope, encouragement and purpose as you discover the healing power that lies within you.
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Hi Karen, I just signed up to find out when you post an article. I als0 overcame Stage 3a breast cancer .. With NO chemo, No radiation and NO tamoxifen. I went to The Lord .Then followed the Bibles directions for healing! First you mUST have Faith because without Faith it is impossible to please God! He is a rewarder for those who are diligently seeking Him! I had stage 3A invasive ductal carcinoma.. I had my congregation anoint my head and lay hands on me and prayed! I had surgery with reconstruction and they got a CLEAN 8 inch margin! 8 is the number of new beginnings! July 7th will be 3 years since my surgery and I had a Nuclear CAT scan and a Mri of my brain with contrast dye .. BOTH were negative for metastatic cancer! God told me He was going to Heal me! A week before my surgery I was on my way to church! THis red cardinal flew all around my vehicle tweeting up a storm..I thought how strange that was! When I got to church this lady who only came to our church twice handed me a pamphlet .. It said ..”Healed of cancer by Dodi Osteen” There was a big red cardinal on the front cover! THen my surgery was on 7-7-2017 in room 7! 7 means completion and perfection !! God is so amazing! He is our healer and deliver! God bless you ! THank you for your beautiful writings and sharing with us all! xxoo