Karen’s Prayers

Holy and Blameless

It is difficult to see ourselves “Holy and Blameless” especially if we retrospectively look back at our lives and go over all those painful memories we now know left deep wounds. Whether we wounded or were wounded, the scriptures tell us that “we are all formerly alienated and hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds.”…


Deliver Me from the Power of the Lions

Power of the Lions. Many children of God walk in His righteousness and are found blameless before His eyes. However, many of us have fallen victims of disease and accusations even when we are doing everything right. This exactly what happened to the prophet Daniel from biblical times. As we continue to eat right, exercise,…


Is My Death Enough to Cover your Sin?

Cover your Sin. Countless times we have held ourselves hostage of past painful trauma, unable to let go of the pain and condemning those who hurt us. We may be entitled to feel that way but are we hurting ourselves in the process? How about us? Have we hurt others and inflicted pain on someone…


Do not Fear just Believe!

I am sure you have heard this saying multiple times, even amusement parks have used it to boost their sales. But what if I tell you that this saying comes straight from the bible? Yes, Jesus said it to a man that was looking for healing for his precious daughter. This short story is found…


Is the storm your activation?

Is the storm your activation? Cancer is most definitely a violent storm, a nightmare of hopelessness but even though no one likes to navigate one, we have been wired for victory. There’s a passage in the Bible where Jesus and His disciples were in a boat, and while Jesus slept a storm broke out. His…


Call things that are not as if they were

Things that are not. The above title is rooted in such powerful biblical teaching, that even new age followers have the conviction to practice. I wonder then why not us? Jesus followers and believers of our might king? Is it that we think this is a belief that it only applies in biblical times? Well,…


Get Up and Walk You are Healed!

Get Up and. This promise would come to me repeatedly during a season of struggle while in my process of seeking my healing. The way I understood it is that God is faithful to those who hunger and thirst for Him. The book of Matthew 5:6 says “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for…