
January is “Thyroid Disease Awareness Month”

Thyroid Disease. Coming from a cancer diagnosis myself, I must say I had no idea that there was an actual month of the year dedicated to “Thyroid Disease Awareness.” According to the ATA – American Thyroid Association, the world’s leading professional association of medical specialists dedicated to education and research to improve thyroid disease prevention,…


Choose those Who Choose You!

Choose those Who Choose You! “Some friends don’t help but a true friend is closer than your own family.” Proverbs 18:24 This bible verse is absolute truth and in my cancer journey, I have experienced and witnessed this truth and more. People you expect would be there are not and those you never thought to…


Walking into 2020

Walking into 2020. As we get closer to the new year, many of us get excited to set new goals for our professional and personal lives. While this is great, many of us usually find ourselves right back in the same spot as before. After a few weeks or months of faithfully trying our best…


The Gift of Love

The Gift of Love. We were born to be an amazing gift to the world and let our light shine. This is true and we are destined for greatness! Christmas is the single most celebrated holiday in the world. Where we remember and acknowledge that a gift from heaven was sent to us. The prince…


Finding joy in the journey!

Finding joy. Sometimes we have to let go of how we think life should be and learn to find joy in the story we are living.  According to Theopedia, Joy is a state of mind and an orientation of the heart. It is a settled state of contentment, confidence, and hope. It is something or someone that…


Holding a grudge?

Holding a grudge doesn’t make you strong, it makes you bitter. Forgiving doesn’t make you weak, it sets you free.” – Dave Willis 🦋 The bible says that holding bitterness and resentment will only allow offense and disappointment to take root in your heart. Consequently, your conscious and unconscious thoughts and actions will reflect this…


Me Before You

Me Before You. This is the title of a movie I watched during my flight back home from Peru. Yes, I was in Peru once again for a very specific assignment from the Father. I’m not at liberty to discuss specifics but I really need to share some of the emotional experience during my time…


Dr. Núñez’s Laboratory

Dr. Núñez’s Laboratory. Once again, I visited Lima, Peru, my beautiful country with lots of things to do. One of them was meeting with Dr. Cesar Nuñez, to follow-up on my immunotherapy treatment. During this visit, Dr. Nuñez gave me the opportunity to visit his new lab’s facilities outside of Lima, which will be opening very…


5 Years since I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer

5 Years since I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. It is hard to believe that five years have passed since my Thyroid Cancer diagnosis. In June 2014 my life and my family’s lives radically changed when we learned I had cancer. I still remember how afraid my family and I were, to hear the doctor…


Rename Your Valley

Rename Your Valley. A few days ago, while driving my kids to an appointment I got to listen to one of Pastor Joel Osteen’s sermons. I enjoy listening his teachings as he speaks biblical truths that resonate with my spirit. Anyhow, he spoke about renaming your valley and brought to reference the famous and familiar…