
How To Cope With Holiday Stress As A Cancer Survivor

How To Cope With Holiday Stress As A Cancer Survivor

Cope With Holiday Stress. The holiday season should be full of many blessings. It should be full of hope and love and excitement. Unfortunately, many people feel the exact opposite with the holiday season. For them it could feel like too much exhaustion or fighting that comes from seeing extended family. It could be grief…


The Benefits of Dry Brushing

Benefits of Dry Brushing. I absolutely love to dry brush. I find it to be such a sweet act of self-care, a way to connect my mind and body and, not to mention, I feel amazing after I dry brush. I believe it is a practice that all cancer patients and survivors should implement multiple…


Psychology of Cancer Stage 11: Depression

Psychology Of Cancer Stage 11 Depression

Psychology of Cancer Depression. As we continue to dive deeper into understanding the process of each stage of the “Psychology of Cancer” today we will review stage 11 – Depression. According to the Flower Society, this stage of depression is reached “Because of the previous negative emotional states, (previous stages) the person can find no…


Can Thyroid Cancer Be Reversed?

Thyroid Cancer Be Reversed. Thyroid cancer is so scary, so big. And while the mountain seems unclimbable, I know you can get over it. I know you can find yourself in the valley of healing. Can thyroid cancer be reversed? I believe so. I want you to know that what you have on your plate…


Psychology of Cancer Stage 10: Exhaustion

Psychology of Cancer Stage 10: Exhaustion Continuing the “Psychology of Cancer” series we are now focusing on stage 10 – Exhaustion. This stage is loaded with heaviness not only at a physical level but also at an emotional and mental state. According to the flower society, this state of exhaustion is described as “The prolonged heavy…


Do Beets Fight Cancer?

Do Beets Fight Cancer? Beets are so amazing to me. They have a sweet taste yet they are low in calories and rich, very rich, in nutrients. Make no mistake about it- beets are towards the very top of my anti-cancer armory. I find beets to be oxygenating for the blood and also great for DNA…


Unlocking The Secret Of Illness: Recall Healing

Secret Of Illness. Recall Healing is when you work with a professional to discover hidden conflicts within your body and psyche that could be the cause for disease or specific behaviors in your life. Recall Healing aims to clear these conflicts in order to bring about healing in the body. To LET yourself heal. Today…


Juice Vs. Smoothies: A Look At The Benefits

Juice Vs. Smoothies A Look At The Benefits - Healthy Recipe

Juice Vs. Smoothies. One quick look at the recipes on my blog and shop website and you will see I am a fan of both smoothies AND juices. I do consume both but if I had to choose one, I would pick juicing. Some people favor juices and some people favor smoothies! I thought it…


The Mental Pillar

The Mental Pillar - Mental Health

Mental Pillar. We have been discussing my 5 pillars of health, the pillars that I look to day after day, week after week, on how to guide my life to be the healthiest and most fulfilled possible version of myself! Do you have pillars that you keep track of and use as a guide? I…


Psychology of Cancer Stage 9: Sense of being “entrapped”

Psychology of Cancer “Entrapped”. As we have been learning the different stages of the “Psychology of Cancer” today, we are focusing on stage 9 – “The Sense of Being Entrapped.” It is difficult to imagine that in today’s modern world people can actually feel trapped in unwanted situations. There are so many organizations, programs, systems…