
Psychology of Cancer Stage 8: Negative Emotions

Psychology Cancer Negative Emotions. We’ve been following the different stages of the “Psychology of Cancer” and this one, “Negative Emotions” refers to how a person finds no outlet to express their wounded feelings. Usually, in this stage, a person accumulates their emotional toxicity and keeps it within. In other words, this type of reaction will…


The Physical Pillar

The Physical Pillar. Have you ever thought about what your pillars of health are? What you stand on, lean on, act on… regularly, to make sure you keep vibrating at your highest self? Healthy, strong, enthusiastic about life. These are acts and routines that you keep up to feel this way. I am healthy, strong,…


Psychology of Cancer: Stage 7, Guilt

Psychology of Cancer Guilt. Such a low vibrating emotion. Such a thief of joy. It’s the 7th stage in Flower Society’s Psychology of Cancer and they describe it as the following:  “Guilt: Taking action to break free from the particular psychological bind seems impossible, either because of ethical obligations, moral dictates, love attachments or other…


My 5 Pillars Of Health

5 Pillars Of Health. Did you know that Numerologists agree that number 5 describes balance? Be it the delicate balance of nature, or the balance of life…this often means something to people who are under the influence of this number. In the bible, 5 signifies grace. There are many references that show this number means…


Psychology of Cancer: Stage 6 Powerless Anger

Psychology Cancer Powerless Anger…even just those two words standing alone are so powerfully charged. You can almost feel immediately what powerless anger is. It’s feeling like you are up against something that just isn’t right. Your emotions feel hot and yet you feel hopeless, like there is nothing you can do. A quiet anger. Flower…


Psychology of Cancer: Stage 5, Resentment

Psychology of Cancer – Resentment. In continuing our series with the psychology of cancer and the 14 stages associated with it, I think resentment (stage 5) is one of the most important ones to cover. Flower Society describes the resentment stage as a time when there are “hidden feelings of bitterness, resentment and sense of…


Psychology of Cancer: Helplessness Stage 4

Psychology of Cancer – Helplessness. In continuing our series on the Psychology of Cancer, I am excited to get to the fourth stage, helplessness. Excited because I have some very intricate thoughts around this stage and I hope I can offer perspective that you can use for yourself. I believe emotions are part of our…


Are you a victim of Unbelief?

Do you live with a sense of expectation? With eager anticipation of your desired outcome? In looking for our healing I honestly think we all start out with this intention that healing is possible. However, once we hear doctors’ statistics and the opinion of others, we somehow manage to partner with what has not happened…


Psychology of Cancer Stage 3: Hopelessness

Psychology of Cancer – Hopelessness. The third stage in the Psychology of Cancer is Hopelessness. This is typically the stage where the person feels like there is no end in sight to this hardship. I understand the feeling of “What can I even do?” or “What is the point? This is out of my control”…


Hope, Gratitude and the Supernatural

It is difficult to cultivate hope and gratitude when facing difficult situations, especially now with the current events, we are all facing. The ongoing world challenges, financial crises, natural disasters, political agendas and so much more. What if on top of that we are facing cancer? It is hard to imagine to not only deal…