
What All Cancer Patients Need to Know About Covid-19

Cancer Patients Covid-19. This pandemic has sure brought about some lowly emotions hasn’t it? Anxiety, fear, depression… all emotions that vibrate at a low level and don’t serve us whatsoever. Cancer is not for the faint of heart.Covid is not for the faint of heart. And those dealing with cancer or newly in remission from…


Psychology of Cancer Stage 2: Grief and Despair

Psychology of Cancer Grief and Despair. In continuing our series about the psychology of cancer, we went over that there were 14 stages that one goes through on their cancer journey. The first was shock, and the second is Grief and Despair. Let’s go over this second stage. At this point in time, the person…


Psychology of Cancer Stage-1: Shock

Psychology of Cancer Shock. Can we talk openly about the psychology of cancer? There are 14 different documented stages people go through and I can honestly say I resonate with many of them. Each week, I’d like to cover a stage. My hope is that we can foster a discussion around something that matters to…


Can We Become Masters of Our Own Healing?

Our Own Healing. I have found my cancer healing journey to be an awakening opportunity to bring restoration and balance to my life. Cancer is clearly a manifestation that something is out of balance and needs correction. Our bodies have been created in perfection and our DNA is composed of supernatural intelligence to order our cells…


Is Fear a Sin?

Is Fear a Sin? Fear is a normal emotion experienced by humans when facing danger or a situation we intuitively know or feel wrong. Emotions are part of God’s design and these help us collect information to make decisions and take actions. The Bible says we should always guard our eyes, our ears, and our hearts…


The Pandemic of Fear Greed and Power

The Pandemic of Fear. This photo was taken in July 2019 as I had the amazing opportunity to visit Machu Picchu in my beautiful Peru. It is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the world and the most impressive archaeological ruin in South America. With an altitude of 7,900+ feet above sea level, it…


Thriving inside struggles?

Thriving inside struggles. Thinking one can thrive in the midst of a struggle seems like such a huge mountain to overcome as it is usually our tendency to focus on the problem instead of seeing our challenge as an opportunity for growth and change. The truth is that all humans will endure all different sorts…


Great Faith

Great Faith. Having faith takes courage because you must let go of your control and everything you think you may know to surrender it all to Him. Trusting that He will come through for you even if you have no idea how that could even begin to be possible. Just like the centurion did when…


Holy and Blameless

It is difficult to see ourselves “Holy and Blameless” especially if we retrospectively look back at our lives and go over all those painful memories we now know left deep wounds. Whether we wounded or were wounded, the scriptures tell us that “we are all formerly alienated and hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds.”…


Deliver Me from the Power of the Lions

Power of the Lions. Many children of God walk in His righteousness and are found blameless before His eyes. However, many of us have fallen victims of disease and accusations even when we are doing everything right. This exactly what happened to the prophet Daniel from biblical times. As we continue to eat right, exercise,…