What Foods Reduce Inflammation in the Body?
What Foods Reduce Inflammation. Before I started my cancer healing journey I knew nothing about inflammation and how much of impact this has on our bodies. When one hears sayings like you are what you eat, we usually disregard them and shrug our shoulders without further interest. Our bodies are such a beautiful creation, so…
Are Cancer Patients at Higher Risk of COVID-19?
Cancer Patients COVID-19. It is incredible, to say the least, everything that is happening worldwide. Undoubtedly it is hard to believe that this is even real. Sometimes I think we are in a bad dream hoping to wake up soon. As a mother, the first thing that comes to mind is my family’s safety. Understanding…
Why Vitamin C Is Crucial For Covid-19
Vitamin C Covid-19. The world around us will never be the same. What is going on… what has gone on… it has opened our eyes to how important and precious our health is. How quickly life can be taken away. More than ever people are looking back at their choices when it comes to health– did we prepare? Did we…
A Song of Trust – Psalm 20
A Song of Trust. In your day of danger may the Lord answer and deliver you! May the name of the God of Grace set you safely on high! May supernatural help be sent from his sanctuary! May he support you from Zion’s fortress! May he remember every gift you have given him, and celebrate…
Talk to our Children during this Coronavirus Worldwide Crisis
Coronavirus Worldwide Crisis. It is hard to imagine that any parent would be prepared to face this worldwide crisis, it is hard to believe what has unfolded so quickly all around the world. Not only do we have to deal with the fear of this threatening COVID-19 disease but we also have to worry about…
Prayer Turns Depression into Delight – Psalm 13
Prayer Turns Depression into Delight. I’m hurting, Lord – will you forget me forever? How much longer, Lord? Will you look the other way when I’m in need? How much longer must I cling to this constant grief? I’ve endured this shaking of my soul. So, how much longer will my enemy have the upper…
How to Fight the Coronavirus Naturally
Fight the Coronavirus. As this global concern grows by the minute so should your concern to take action into protecting yourself and your loved ones from this worldwide threat. According to the most recently published article by JAMA (An International peer-reviewed medical journal association), the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that results from severe acute…
I will Deliver You from Fear
I will Deliver You from Fear. My daughter, I have heard your cries, and I have delivered you from all your fears. I have established My dwelling place within your life, and My love has been perfected in you. Abide in Me, and I abide in you, just as My Holy Spirit abides in you….
March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Colorectal Cancer. It is March already can you believe it? In my cancer journey, I have learned that every month of the calendar acknowledges some sort of cancer type and in this month of March, we acknowledge Colorectal Cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, “Colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in…
How Does Kale Fight Cancer?
Kale Fight Cancer. When I first started my journey I had never even heard of kale, I know it sounds funny but it is true. I always thought my family and I ate pretty healthy but we would just stick to regular lettuce as our greens of choice. I’m honestly a bit embarrassed to tell you…