Healthy Living Tips
My Superfoods Arrived!
My Superfoods Arrived. As many of you may remember I had started a project last year to bring nutrition-rich superfoods from my birth country Peru. Well, I am super excited to share with you the great NEWS that last week they arrived… YAY!!! It is hard to put in words the happiness I felt once…
Can Curcumin extract serve as an Anti-Cancer Agent?
Can Curcumin extract. Tumeric is something I cannot talk enough about. Turmeric is a yellow spice that is extremely rich in not only flavor, but also in its medicinal uses. Ayurvedic medicine and Eastern medicine have been touting the impressive list of benefits as a result of a turmeric rich diet for centuries upon centuries. The reason why is…
10 Tips to Stick to your New Year’s Goals
‘Tis the season for family and merriment. In all the hustle and bustle of buying gifts, attending parties, and eating the delicious cookies and treats that are so prevalent this time of year, we can often lose sight of the truly important things in life. We can get so caught up in the day-to-day just…
What Makes Cacao Good for your Health?
Where has this year gone? It’s amazing to me to think that a few months ago, I was high up in the Andes Mountains. During my time there, I got to visit the maca fields and tie up some technical business stuff in order to bring some of my favorite Peruvian superfoods to our country. It does…
Is Cacao Powder the Same as Cocoa Powder?
Things are moving quickly with my mission to bring Peruvian Superfoods to the United States. It’s such an exciting time, and I am so incredibly happy to be on this path. Along with the superfoods I will be bringing to the United States, I will also be bringing cacao in different forms. While I was…
Probiotics For Thyroid Health
Probiotics seem to be one of the more recent trends that health-savvy consumers are eager to try. There are even commercials and ads on television that tout foods with probiotics as beneficial to digestive health. While probiotics are certainly beneficial for overall health and wellness, including digestive health, they also have the added benefit of…
Can Curcumin Inhibit Tumor Growth in Colorectal Cancer?
There are so many foods that have incredible cancer-fighting potential. Personally, I take every opportunity I can to learn about these superfoods and incorporate them into my own diet if it’s possible and practical. Of course, some of my own current and ongoing health issues sometimes prohibit me from incorporating all of the foods I…
Endocrine Disruptors, the Environment, and Illness
The environment where we live has a huge effect on our overall health and well-being. It isn’t just our physical health, but our mental and emotional health as well. One of the most beneficial things we can do for ourselves is to connect with nature in some way. Studies have shown that listening to water…
How Beta Glucan Boosts Immunity And Helps Fight Cancer
I am a big believer in God. I believe God has given us these amazing bodies with the ability to do amazing things, if we nourish them properly. This certainly isn’t news to anybody who has followed along with my journey. God has given us the tools to make the most out of these vessels…
Understanding Types Of Thyroid Diseases
I’ve talked a lot about my thyroid and my healing journey that I have been on ever since my thyroid cancer diagnosis. Now I want to talk a little bit about the thyroid, what it does, how it works, and what other types of thyroid diseases there are. The little gland has some big roles…