What are the Benefits of Camu Camu?
If you have not heard of camu camu, let me tell you, it is one powerful little fruit! In Peru, this fruit has been celebrated for thousands of years for it’s healing and medicinal properties. You might see it pop up in fancy smoothie and juice shops as an “add-in”… but it’s so much more…
Can We Become Masters of Our Own Healing?
Our Own Healing. I have found my cancer healing journey to be an awakening opportunity to bring restoration and balance to my life. Cancer is clearly a manifestation that something is out of balance and needs correction. Our bodies have been created in perfection and our DNA is composed of supernatural intelligence to order our cells…
Top 10 Plant-Based Thyroid Healing Foods
Plant-Based Thyroid. When I first started researching and learning how to heal from this thyroid cancer diagnosis, I came across so many wonderful references validating the power of using food as medicine. The father of medicine known for his popular quote… “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” Hippocrates nails this concept…
What is Tumeric Good For?
What is Tumeric. I have been an appreciator of turmeric for a long time. Since my cancer thriving journey began, I have used turmeric intentionally to get the most out of its healing and therapeutic benefits. The science says it all- turmeric is a true medicinal plant! It’s not wonder holistic experts all around the world…
Functional Medicine as Solution to a Broken Healthcare System?
Functional Medicine. In many ways, our medical system in America is broken. Referred to as conventional medicine, it is definitely effective for infections, trauma, medical emergencies, and acute diseases. However, because conventional treatment focuses on diagnosing the symptom and then prescribing a corresponding medication or recommending surgery, this approach fails millions of people each year,…
Boosting Your Immunity Through Chiropractic
Immunity Through Chiropractic. In 1975, Dr. Ronald Pero, Ph.D.. the chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s preventative medicine institute and professor of medicine at New York University began researching the ways and means to estimate an individual’s susceptibility to various chronic diseases. The specific aspects studied were “an individual’s immune system responsiveness or their…
What Adaptogens Can Help Your Thyroid
What Adaptogens Can Help Your Thyroid? The thyroid. Such a little part of our body and yet such a big impact it has. Are you one of the 20 million people in America who deal with thyroid disease? Could be, as up to 60% don’t even know that have something going on. (Source) With a…
May 25th, World Thyroid Day!
Today, May 25th we acknowledge once again World Thyroid Day. A day that was created with the intention to promote awareness about thyroid-related diseases. Recognized globally by the American Thyroid Association in cooperation with the European Thyroid Association the Asia-Oceania Thyroid Association and the Latin American Thyroid Society, to empower people with education about the thyroid…
How Do I Improve My Gut Health?
Improve My Gut Health. Think of your gut microbiome as a lush forest of all kinds of different trees. It needs to grow, flourish, stay fresh. You need to keep that forest healthy. What are the trees? They are trillions of bacteria, fungi and viruses. Together, they are known as the microbiome. A largely important ecosystem in…
Can Infrared Sauna Reduce Thyroid Disease Symptoms?
Infrared Sauna. Before my diagnosis, I had no idea of the different types of thyroid conditions that already existed. Heck, I didn’t even know where the thyroid was. It is true I am embarrassed to admit it but I think I didn’t pay attention to my anatomy high school class… Haha! Although, I am not…