How To Heal Hormones Naturally
Heal Hormones Naturally. Hormones can affect a lot of different things: Mood swings. Weight gain. Sleep disruptancies. Anxiety. Hot flashes. Appetite. Brain Fog. Caring for our hormones is incredibly important. Hormone Specialist Dr. Anna Cabeca conducted a survey of 2000 women aged 30 to 60 (living in America) and 43% of them claimed that hormones have negatively impacted…
Why The Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic technique?
Cervical Chiropractic technique. Dr. Blair’s research discovered the fact that the human spine is more asymmetrical rather than symmetrical. This makes it fundamentally different from any other Chiropractic adjusting method. The Blair technique addresses the top two cervical vertebrae being the atlas and axis for these are the only two which do not have intervertebral…
The do’s of protecting your immune system in a pandemic
Protecting your immune. Right now is a really challenging time. With COVID-19, there is little else the world can even think of with everything going on. You turn on the news… COVID-19.Talk to a friend… COVID-19.Open social media… COVID-19. There is information being spread everywhere determining what to do. It can be hard to know where to even…
What Foods Reduce Inflammation in the Body?
What Foods Reduce Inflammation. Before I started my cancer healing journey I knew nothing about inflammation and how much of impact this has on our bodies. When one hears sayings like you are what you eat, we usually disregard them and shrug our shoulders without further interest. Our bodies are such a beautiful creation, so…
Are Cancer Patients at Higher Risk of COVID-19?
Cancer Patients COVID-19. It is incredible, to say the least, everything that is happening worldwide. Undoubtedly it is hard to believe that this is even real. Sometimes I think we are in a bad dream hoping to wake up soon. As a mother, the first thing that comes to mind is my family’s safety. Understanding…
Why Vitamin C Is Crucial For Covid-19
Vitamin C Covid-19. The world around us will never be the same. What is going on… what has gone on… it has opened our eyes to how important and precious our health is. How quickly life can be taken away. More than ever people are looking back at their choices when it comes to health– did we prepare? Did we…
How to Fight the Coronavirus Naturally
Fight the Coronavirus. As this global concern grows by the minute so should your concern to take action into protecting yourself and your loved ones from this worldwide threat. According to the most recently published article by JAMA (An International peer-reviewed medical journal association), the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that results from severe acute…
How Does Kale Fight Cancer?
Kale Fight Cancer. When I first started my journey I had never even heard of kale, I know it sounds funny but it is true. I always thought my family and I ate pretty healthy but we would just stick to regular lettuce as our greens of choice. I’m honestly a bit embarrassed to tell you…
The Collagen and Cancer Connection
Collagen and Cancer. One of today’s hottest trends in the health and wellness industry is collagen. Many people, especially women are on board to add this promising supplement to their daily routine. Adding it to their coffees, smoothies and even baking with it has become the popular thing to do nowadays. Collagen, also known as…
Why I Choose a Plant-Based Diet to Reduce Cancer Risk?
Plant-Based Diet. Ever since I started my cancer healing journey I followed a very clean plant-based diet. Why you may ask? To be honest it all started 6 months prior to my diagnosis. I radically changed my diet, seriously, I became a vegan from one day to the next without much explanation other than I felt led to…