Dr. Cesar Núñez interview “immunotherapy as a cancer treatment”
Immunotherapy as a cancer treatment. It is finally here.. The entire translation of my video interview with Dr Cesar Nunez! This was an amazing experience and unplanned event but I think it turned out great. I firmly believe in his work and the potential it offers to help cancer patients. I really hope you enjoy…
Probiotics For Thyroid Health
Probiotics seem to be one of the more recent trends that health-savvy consumers are eager to try. There are even commercials and ads on television that tout foods with probiotics as beneficial to digestive health. While probiotics are certainly beneficial for overall health and wellness, including digestive health, they also have the added benefit of…
My Return to Peru: My Immunotherapy Cancer Treatment Update
Hello, my dear readers! I realize it has been a while since I have shared any information about my health and my journey. I want to take this opportunity to share some of the amazing things that have been happening and how excited I am to resume my immunotherapy cancer treatment. As many of you may…
Is Immunotherapy Safe To Treat Cancer?
I recently shared a whole wealth of information on immunotherapy for treating cancer—what it is, the different types of immunotherapy available, and hopeful breakthroughs and advances in immunotherapy that have the potential to treat and maybe even cure cancer. For me, this method of treatment is fascinating because it uses our own bodies and our…
Endocrine Disruptors, the Environment, and Illness
The environment where we live has a huge effect on our overall health and well-being. It isn’t just our physical health, but our mental and emotional health as well. One of the most beneficial things we can do for ourselves is to connect with nature in some way. Studies have shown that listening to water…
Understanding Immunotherapy As A Cancer Treatment
Being diagnosed with cancer was as much an emotional diagnosis as it was a physical diagnosis. It is impossible to be handed a diagnosis of cancer and not rack your brain to think about what choices I may have made in my life that may have contributed to the diagnosis. With the reflection and the…
Understanding Types Of Thyroid Diseases
I’ve talked a lot about my thyroid and my healing journey that I have been on ever since my thyroid cancer diagnosis. Now I want to talk a little bit about the thyroid, what it does, how it works, and what other types of thyroid diseases there are. The little gland has some big roles…
Why I Choose BioDentistry
Why I Choose BioDentistry. I am constantly amazed at the connections the environment has on me. Everything I put into my body has an impact on a cellular level. We all know that we are what we eat. That is because what we eat and drink to nourish us is broken down and absorbed into…
The Role of Psycho-Oncology in a Cancer Diagnosis
Psycho-Oncology. My path has taken me in so many directions I never would have dreamed of. Ever since my cancer diagnosis, I have discovered a lot of things about myself, about treatment, and about the disease itself. There are a few things I’m absolutely sure of in my life: among them is that cancer is…
Can Your Emotions Affect Your Immune System? The Thyroid Puzzle!
The Thyroid Puzzle. It’s amazing how much control the thyroid has over our bodies. The butterfly-shaped gland in the neck controls so much of how we feel physically, emotionally, socially, and mentally. For many patients with thyroid conditions, often the first clue something is amiss is because of a feeling of depression. It is a…