Treating Thyroid Cancer Without Surgery – Is this Really an Option?
Treating Thyroid Cancer. I remember somewhat recently reading a study out of Finland where thyroid cancers were NOT surgically treated. Tumors less than 1.5 cm were treated with primary active surveillance as opposed to surgery with staggering results. It is a controversial approach, but more research is suggesting that the rates of certain types of…
Can Aloe Vera Heal? Discovering the Health Benefits of Aloe Vera
Benefits of Aloe Vera. When we think about Aloe Vera, most of us think of the bottle of green jelly that we reach for after getting too much sun. While the use of Aloe Vera gel as a topical treatment for skin irritations and dryness is certainly well-documented, what is less well-known and what I want to…
Can Turmeric Fight Cancer?
Can Turmeric Fight Cancer. Anybody who has followed my personal journey knows that I’m not just a cancer survivor—I’m a cancer THRIVER! My quest for better health through the mind-body-spirit connection has been enlightening and empowering every step of the way. With each new leg of my journey, I am astonished by the healing power of some of…
The Healing Power of Colloidal Silver
Power of Colloidal Silver. When I first began my cancer journey, the first set of supplements that I used included colloidal silver. I remember how much better it made me feel overall! I still use colloidal silver—for both me and my family. I give it to my children as a preventative when they’re starting to…
Steps to Detox your Liver
The Liver Steps Detox your Liver. The liver is an amazing organ. It removes the toxins from your blood, which is essential in this day and age, when our bodies are being bombarded with toxins at every turn. Even if you mitigate your toxic load by using all-natural products, our environment still contains pollutants, as well…
The Thyroid and Gut Connection
The Thyroid and Gut Connection. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” It seems that there are many situations in life that can be represented by this. One of which is the connection between gut health and thyroid health. A healthy gut supports a healthy thyroid, and vice versa….
Iodine Deficiency and Cancer
Epidemic of Deficiency Most people in our highly industrialized world are deficient in iodine. While most of us are only mildly familiar with iodine, mostly thinking of it as an additive to table salt, it is actually a vitally important mineral that removes harmful microbes from you body, is a powerful anti-inflammatory, and is responsible…
The Dangers of EMFs
Dangers of EMFs. When I was first diagnosed with cancer I started to wonder why it seems like cancer has become so widespread. Why is it that nearly everyone over the age of, say, 40, has either had cancer themselves or has a close friend or family member who has had cancer? I just don’t…
Vitamin B-17 / Laetrile and Cancer
Vitamin B-17. When I was first diagnosed I had no knowledge about vitamin B-17 / laetrile and its powerful healing effects on cancer patients. I learned about it three years ago during my four-week stay at Hope 4 Cancer Institute in Baja California. Hope 4 Cancer’s medical director, Dr. Antonio Jimenez (Dr. Tony), implements vitamin B-17 since…
How to Detox from a PET Scan
Detox from a PET Scan. I’ve been experiencing some discomfort in my neck area for some time now. All this time my doctors have always told me that my MRI and ultrasounds are stable and look great, and my blood work reflects a strong immune system. At some point some doctors implied that the discomfort…