
Health Foods That Wreak Havoc On Your Immune System

Health Foods. There is a lot of misinformation out there in the health and wellness world when it comes to foods to eat for the immune system. Well intentioned I’m sure, but typically without science to back it up or they are blindly following advice of health conscious friends who may not have their facts straight….


Is Meat Ever Good For Cancer?

Meat and Cancer. One of my healing protocols to heal from cancer was through a whole-food, plant-based diet. I am a big believer in plants as a healing mechanism for cancer. For me, it was intuitively right. I listened to my body and the plant-based life was one that called to me. And it worked….


Why Did I Get Cancer?

Why Did I Get Cancer. Cancer is a systemic illness. It’s not just, “I have cancer in my blood.” Or “I have cancer in my lungs”… it is always connected, everywhere. Cancer is not an isolated experience. Cancer is not just something random that happens to you. Cancer does not stand alone, it stands in…


Which Emotions Are Tied To Certain Organs And How It Relates To Cancer

Emotions and the Cancer. Are emotions tied to the human body? Can emotions or past traumas cause cancer? I certainly believe so. I have stated before that I firmly believe that part of my cancer is rooted in my past life- past emotions, traumas… only the ones that weren’t serving me. The ones I couldn’t…


Does Hypothyroidism And Hashimotos Cause Thyroid Cancer?

Hypothyroidism And Hashimotos. The American Cancer society has once said that around 62,450 people will be diagnosed with thyroid cancer every year. It is a big deal, and very prevalent! A big question is, does hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s cause thyroid cancer? Let’s explore that. Real risk factors for thyroid cancer Unfortunately, one of the biggest…


Foods To Avoid If You Have Thyroid Cancer

Foods To Avoid If You Have Thyroid Cancer

Foods To Avoid. Every person is going to be so different when it comes to dietary needs. Your vitamin levels are different from mine, your life experiences, where you are origins lie, etc. One diet from the next should not be identical. However, there are definitely some overlaps when it comes to certain circumstances. What…


What Herbs Help Thyroid Cancer

What Herbs Help Thyroid Cancer

What Herbs Help Thyroid Cancer. As someone who healed her thyroid cancer naturally, you can’t tell me that plants aren’t potent enough to move the needle when it comes to health and disease. Today we are talking herbs, which I define as small plants with a green stem. They have leaves, seeds, maybe even flowers-…


Can Thyroid Cancer Be Reversed?

Thyroid Cancer Be Reversed. Thyroid cancer is so scary, so big. And while the mountain seems unclimbable, I know you can get over it. I know you can find yourself in the valley of healing. Can thyroid cancer be reversed? I believe so. I want you to know that what you have on your plate…


Unlocking The Secret Of Illness: Recall Healing

Secret Of Illness. Recall Healing is when you work with a professional to discover hidden conflicts within your body and psyche that could be the cause for disease or specific behaviors in your life. Recall Healing aims to clear these conflicts in order to bring about healing in the body. To LET yourself heal. Today…


How do Phytochemicals Prevent Cancer?

Phytochemicals Prevent Cancer. I am a big believer in plants being the most healing thing we can put in our bodies. I believe that God created an earth that would naturally house every single little thing we need to live a long and healthy life. In a world of sugar and meat and inflammatory oils… I…