Thyroid Health

How To Heal Hormones Naturally

Heal Hormones Naturally. Hormones can affect a lot of different things: Mood swings. Weight gain. Sleep disruptancies. Anxiety. Hot flashes. Appetite. Brain Fog. Caring for our hormones is incredibly important. Hormone Specialist Dr. Anna Cabeca conducted a survey of 2000 women aged 30 to 60 (living in America) and 43% of them claimed that hormones have negatively impacted…


January is “Thyroid Disease Awareness Month”

Thyroid Disease. Coming from a cancer diagnosis myself, I must say I had no idea that there was an actual month of the year dedicated to “Thyroid Disease Awareness.” According to the ATA – American Thyroid Association, the world’s leading professional association of medical specialists dedicated to education and research to improve thyroid disease prevention,…


5 Years since I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer

5 Years since I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. It is hard to believe that five years have passed since my Thyroid Cancer diagnosis. In June 2014 my life and my family’s lives radically changed when we learned I had cancer. I still remember how afraid my family and I were, to hear the doctor…


My Most Recent Scan!

My Most Recent Scan. Last Thursday morning I was scheduled to get an ultrasound for a follow-up imaging of my thyroid. My last scan was done in May 2018, and at the time everything looked stable. If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer you can probably understand how dreadful it is to go to those follow-up…


Probiotics For Thyroid Health

Probiotics seem to be one of the more recent trends that health-savvy consumers are eager to try. There are even commercials and ads on television that tout foods with probiotics as beneficial to digestive health. While probiotics are certainly beneficial for overall health and wellness, including digestive health, they also have the added benefit of…


Endocrine Disruptors, the Environment, and Illness

The environment where we live has a huge effect on our overall health and well-being. It isn’t just our physical health, but our mental and emotional health as well. One of the most beneficial things we can do for ourselves is to connect with nature in some way. Studies have shown that listening to water…


Understanding Types Of Thyroid Diseases

I’ve talked a lot about my thyroid and my healing journey that I have been on ever since my thyroid cancer diagnosis. Now I want to talk a little bit about the thyroid, what it does, how it works, and what other types of thyroid diseases there are. The little gland has some big roles…


Can Your Emotions Affect Your Immune System? The Thyroid Puzzle!

The Thyroid Puzzle. It’s amazing how much control the thyroid has over our bodies. The butterfly-shaped gland in the neck controls so much of how we feel physically, emotionally, socially, and mentally. For many patients with thyroid conditions, often the first clue something is amiss is because of a feeling of depression. It is a…


Treating Thyroid Cancer Without Surgery – Is this Really an Option?

Treating Thyroid Cancer. I remember somewhat recently reading a study out of Finland where thyroid cancers were NOT surgically treated. Tumors less than 1.5 cm were treated with primary active surveillance as opposed to surgery with staggering results. It is a controversial approach, but more research is suggesting that the rates of certain types of…


The Thyroid and Gut Connection

The Thyroid and Gut Connection. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” It seems that there are many situations in life that can be represented by this. One of which is the connection between gut health and thyroid health. A healthy gut supports a healthy thyroid, and vice versa….