Dr. Axe Products Now Available in My Shop!
Dr. Axe. Ever since I began my healing journey, I have met a vast number of doctors; most of whom are a part of the alternative medicine field. It has been fascinating for me to learn about them, their approach, as well as to hear their perspectives on the many kinds of illnesses. On my quest to recovery I have been inspired by the work of well-known doctors like Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Mercola, Dr. Isabella Wentz, Dr. David Brownstein, Dr. Axe, Dr. Tony Jimenez, Dr. Group, Dr. Nuzum, just to name a few. These pioneers have directly contributed in my healing journey.
I have learned a great deal from each of them. And although they may not all agree on everything, they do agree on the most important fact that really makes sense to me. They all believe every human being has the capacity to heal, and healing begins from within. Of course, this concept really resonates with me. I believe our bodies are perfect, and illness is a symptom of something that is out of balance in our bodies that needs to be corrected.
In my healing journey, I have been left in awe by the countless breakthroughs I’ve had. Many pieces of my healing puzzle fell into place, this has inspired me to pursue an education in natural health. I can proudly say that I have earned my certification as a Natural Health Professional from Trinity School of Natural Health, and with it I can now work with others to help them in their own healing journeys.
This new venture has brought more insight into my own healing. It has also allowed me to partner with other health visionaries whom I respect and admire very much.
For instance, Dr. Josh Axe has been a fundamental part of my healing process. While doing home therapies, I would often tune in to his YouTube channel to learn more about the many topics he’s enriched so many of us with. As a health practitioner, I was invited to attend one his health professional’s dinners, which was hosted earlier this year in order to introduce his new product line, Ancient Nutrition. I had just returned from a long trip, and I wasn’t sure if I could attend. For some reason, something in me said I needed to go. It turned out to be a memorable dinner because Dr. Axe and his partner, Jordan Rubin, introduced their new products and explained how these could be a great addition to a professional practice. This new product line complements any healing protocol for many different ailments.
After dinner, I had the opportunity to engage in conversation with Dr. Axe for a few minutes. I know I crossed the line when I asked for his professional opinion on a recent diagnosis of mine. Although, there were a lot of people waiting to speak to him, he was very engaging. I thought he was kidding when he asked me to stick out my tongue, it turns out that he wasn’t, he proceeded to make recommendations to help with my healing. My biggest takeaway from that short encounter was his willingness to serve, despite the pressure around him. His humility and how attuned he is to the needs of others is striking.
This past March, we met again at the Natural Health West Expo in Anaheim. I ran into him at Naomi Whittel’s booth, and just as he was the first time we last met, he was incredibly gracious. He put me in contact with his general manager, Derek Webber.
Today, I am extremely excited to announce that I have entered into a partnership with Dr. Josh Axe and his team in order to add his new Ancient Nutrition brand to my list of recommended, top-quality, professional-brand supplements on my website! I am thrilled to be a part of his movement and to collaborate with him to promote education, health and wellness to many people.
It is a privilege for me to share my journey with you and the knowledge I have gained from it along the way. There is a lot yet to be learned, but through the partnership with Dr. Axe I am positive we can continue to grow, educate, and heal. I sincerely hope you find his products as useful as I do.

Shop Dr. Axe products now, get 15% OFF with code “DRAXE”!

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I'm Karen!
I have found my cancer journey to be a positive and profound transformational experience. I’m inspired to share my healing journey here, and trust you’ll find hope, encouragement and purpose as you discover the healing power that lies within you.
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