Karen Berrios - En el medio
Yo curaré tu corazón - Karen Berrios in VueZ Magazine
Me das esperanza para mi futuro y paz para mi. Sanas lo que está roto y sanas cualquier corazón. Tú consuelas a la Sión de luto y...[Leer más]
Su fragancia - Karen Berrios en VueZ Magazine
Is the source of our joy, peace, kindness, wisdom, and love. Because of Him, we are to God the sweet aroma of Christ. All of heaven surrounds... [Leer más]
Audacia - Karen Berrios en VueZ Magazine
Through Christ, her courageous and daring traits lead her to walk with much strength and passion. Despite any real or imagined danger.... [Leer más]
La hermosa obra maestra de Dios - Karen Berrios en VueZ Magazine
God created her to His image and found no flaw in her, she is more precious than jewels and nothing you desire can compare with her... [Leer más]
Espíritu Sagrado - Karen Berrios en VueZ Magazine
Come into the hidden places of my heart and fill me with pure thoughts. May there never be a shadow of darkness between us and never... [Leer más]
Alegría - Karen Berrios en VueZ Magazine
Joy is rooted in our hearts when we choose to trust God in the midst of struggles and trials. Choosing joy daily allows us to live in... [Leer más]
Mercy - Karen Berrios en VueZ Magazine
Guilty, unworthy, sinful, yet we are loved and accepted. His love and abundant mercy respond to our needs every morning... [Leer más]
Conoce a Karen Berrios | Cancer Thriver - Karen berrios en SHOUTOUT LA
We had the good fortune of connecting with Karen Berrios and we’ve shared our conversation below... [Leer más]
Karen Berrios: “El cáncer fue una invitación a vivir otra vez”
Cuando hablamos con Karen Berrios nos encontramos con una persona amable y cariñosa, quien dedica su vida a fomentar hábitos saludables, con el objetivo de ayudar... [Leer más]
SERENIDAD - Karen Berrios en VueZ Magazine
Serenity, a sweet symphony, her ways are pleasant ways as it unfolds peace when remaining true to her path. I can now say to myself and all, relax and rest, be confident and serene... [Leer más]
Paz en medio de... - Karen Berrios en VueZ Magazine
Come out of hiding for the lighthouse of your race will illuminate... [Leer más]
Inspiración Karen Berrios en Vuez Magazine

Cancer es usualmente conocido por arrebatarle la vida a las personas, sin embargo el cáncer me dio una invitación a vivir... [Leer más]
Entrevista de Karen Berrios con la revista Voyage LA Magazine!
Today we’d like to introduce you to Karen Berrios.
Karen, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
My name is Karen Berrios, founder, and creator of Kareliz Wellness, a company inspired to spread health by promoting nutrient-dense foods and supplements to help people thrive on their wellness journey.
In 2014 my life radically changed as I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. An amazing invitation was given to me, to embark on a healing journey and bring order to my body, mind... [Leer más]