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I have found my cancer journey to be a positive and profound transformational experience. I’m inspired to share my healing journey here, and trust you’ll find hope, encouragement and purpose as you discover the healing power that lies within you.

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This promise would come to me repeatedly during a season of struggle while in my process of seeking my healing. The way I understood it is that God is faithful to those who hunger and thirst for Him. The book of...


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Karen Berrios Is talk therapy enough to heal trauma and ingrained beliefs Banner

Is Talk Therapy Enough to Heal Trauma and Ingrained Beliefs?

Is Talk Therapy Enough to Heal Trauma and Ingrained Beliefs? Talk therapy, also called psychotherapy, is a form of counseling that can help someone change their behavior, cope with loss, and improve ingrained beliefs and subconscious wounds to resolve trauma. A therapist is present with one or more people and they reflect on challenges they…

Best Foods to Get More Protein in Your Diet - Karen Berrios

Best Foods to Get More Protein in Your Diet

Protein in Your Diet. Protein is, in addition to carbohydrates and fats, one of the three most important macronutrient groups that build our body. Ensure every organ, tissue, and cell function optimally. It’s derived from the foods we eat on a daily basis, and even though each person has their own individual needs for this…

Liver Detox Recipe Karen Berrios Recipes Liver Detox Recipe

Liver Detox Recipe

Ingredients: 2 fish breasts 1 white onion 1 tomato 1/4 cup green olives Coriander Salt Pepper 1 tbsp of KB ginger powder Garlic Instructions: In a bowl place the onion, tomato, olive, garlic, coriander, salt, pepper and ginger powder and integrate everything very well. Once everything is integrated, place the two fish lettuces and season…

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karen-meet copia


Karen Berrios

When the doctors first found papillary thyroid carcinoma right on the side of my neck I was presented with only one treatment option: Surgery and possibly radiation. Something in me said NO. “Wait,” said my inner voice. “Search first, there’s no rush…”

I had a lot of decisions to make. Would I listen to the advice of the medical community and everyone around me who was urging me to take the traditional route – and then contend with all of the potential side effects and complications of these treatments? Would I give in to Fear? Or would I search for answers to why I had cancer? Explore my options and take the path less travelled, pursuing alternative methods of treatment?


Karen's Healing
