I say to you, Get Up!
I say to you, Get Up!
There are numerous biblical stories that share the compassion of Jesus towards the sick and those in pain. You may or may not remember this biblical passage about Jesus raising a widow’s son. It is a short yet powerful message that displays once again the great mercy of God for the hurting. I have personally witnessed God’s intervention in my life and many around me. I think God’s heart remains the same today, and honestly, through us, Jesus is more alive today than in biblical times. This is “GOOD NEWS.”
Jesus went to a town called Nain, and his disciples and a large crowd went along with him. As he approached the town gate, a dead person was being carried out—the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the town was with her. When the Lord saw her, His heart went out to her and He said, “Don’t cry.”
Then he went up and touched the bier they were carrying him on, and the bearers stood still. He said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!” The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother.
I can’t imagine
I can’t imagine the awe and wonder of this very moment! The mother’s pain and sorrow moved the Father’s heart (GOD) with much compassion and mercy towards her. I believe Jesus was so intuned with the Father’s heart and operated by His leading every time. As I reflect on this passage I see three amazing miracles that take place stirred by a mother’s love and suffering for the loss of her son. Her pain ignited God’s heart to move and intervene with a miracle bringing her son back to life. First, God restored life to this young man, secondly, He increased the crowd’s FAITH to believe in His mighty glory by manifesting this miracle, and lastly, God restored joy to the widow’s heart.
In seeking my healing, God has displayed this compassion and mercy over and over again. Sometimes we narrow our thinking to believe that God should show up in a specific way instead He shows up in unexpected ways, might ways that surpass our restricted expectations. I have found that it is easier to embrace the journey by accepting His ways instead of limiting Him by my limited mind. He sees things we may not and just like he showed up for the widow He can do the same for you. Are you standing in His way? By letting Him be in your life it is possible that He could not only show up for you but for others around you. You are the beacon of light that stirs His heart to intervene in miracles and wonders for you and others for His mighty glory.
Luke 7:11-17
Prayer Declaration
Heavenly Father, thank you for your abundant compassion and mercy for me and those who deeply hurt. I pray on behalf of those who are hurting today, for you to intervene in the midst of their pain and suffering just like you did with the widow’s son. Turn our tears into laughter and our sorrows into joy, comfort our hearts to embrace you in our lives as our one and only source of life, love, and peace. May we rest in the knowledge that you are good and your miracle hand is at work in every storm we may face. Your will is to bless us and those around us, thank you for calling us your beacon of light. Let our faith in you stir Your heart to intervene in our lives with supernatural miracles and wonders for your glory. In Jesus’ name… Amen!
Healing through Faith in Jesus by Karen Berrios

hey there
I'm Karen!
I have found my cancer journey to be a positive and profound transformational experience. I’m inspired to share my healing journey here, and trust you’ll find hope, encouragement and purpose as you discover the healing power that lies within you.
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