Is My Death Enough to Cover your Sin?
Cover your Sin. Countless times we have held ourselves hostage of past painful trauma, unable to let go of the pain and condemning those who hurt us. We may be entitled to feel that way but are we hurting ourselves in the process?
How about us? Have we hurt others and inflicted pain on someone we love or a stranger? Are we walking around feeling guilty, shameful, and unworthy of forgiveness? I know I have been guilty of both and the guilt and shame carried is a load that our Lord Christ Jesus doesn’t want us to hold on to any longer.
Forgiveness has been given to us, Jesus paid the price for our forgiveness, healing, and eternal life. If we refuse to receive His forgiveness, we are saying that Jesus’ death is not enough to cover our sins. Could that be possible? Absolutely not! He carried the weight of the world on His shoulders and stopped at nothing to prove He is for us. How could we possibly refuse it? Yet, I know we have all been guilty of this but the “good news” is that we don’t have to hold on to our guilt any longer. We can live in freedom and fullness because we have repented, therefore, forgiven.
Receive it, let go of your guilt and forgive yourself and those who hurt you. Call on to Him, confess your sins, and receive His love and forgiveness. It is available for us, take it. You and I will never be worthy but by His grace in Him, we are.
Psalm 86:5
Prayer Declaration
Thank you Jesus for willingly going to the cross as my King to give me forgiveness and eternal life. Forgive me for falling trap of the deception that you are not enough. You paid the price and I choose to receive your love and forgiveness today, as you are my Lord and Savior. I thank you Lord for you are good, and ready to forgive me, as your mercy is abundant to all of those who call upon you. In Jesus’ name amen!
Healing through Faith in Jesus by Karen Berrios

hey there
I'm Karen!
I have found my cancer journey to be a positive and profound transformational experience. I’m inspired to share my healing journey here, and trust you’ll find hope, encouragement and purpose as you discover the healing power that lies within you.
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