Joy in Being Loved
Joy in Being Loved. “Peace is the deliberate adjustment of my life to the will of God.” -Anonymous
The truth is that we all struggle, life is beautiful but we have all faced a difficult challenge during our journey of life. At some point, we have all faced a mountain some may have been bigger than others but we have all been there for sure. So, the question is… Were you able to keep your peace, your joy during the trial? Would you describe your life as joyous? Those around you see you as a joy-filled person? Are joy and happiness the same?
Happiness is based on circumstances, specific moments that flow in your life. Joy, on the other hand, is rooted in your heart and it is not dependent on what is happening in your life. I believe JOY comes from a deep trust in God, releasing control of all things and yielding control to Him. This process of trust is what I believe brings joy.
The quote above is so telling, there have been multiple times where I struggle to yield to His will and give Him control. Yet, every time I did I found peace and joy in doing so. As scary and difficult as it was to release control and follow His lead, somehow He’s always faithful to show the reasons as to why. Knowing this brings me not only into a state of joy, peace, and trust but also into complete awareness of His love for us.
Knowing you are unconditionally loved by someone brings so much joy, confidence, happiness, etc. It lifts your spirit, your energy, your frequency to levels where you believe in yourself to the point you are more willing to reach for the stars. When someone loves and believes in you, don’t you want to live up to their faith in you? This love helps you become a better person, a better version of yourself. Do you have people in your life that you love and they love you back? If you do. thank God for them and the gift of love and those in your life who bring so much joy!

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I'm Karen!
I have found my cancer journey to be a positive and profound transformational experience. I’m inspired to share my healing journey here, and trust you’ll find hope, encouragement and purpose as you discover the healing power that lies within you.
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