My Superfoods Arrived!
My Superfoods Arrived. As many of you may remember I had started a project last year to bring nutrition-rich superfoods from my birth country Peru. Well, I am super excited to share with you the great NEWS that last week they arrived… YAY!!! It is hard to put in words the happiness I felt once I held each one of them in my hands. As I carefully examined each product I would go over in my head the long hours my team and I had invested in this process. From selecting the right supplier in Peru, to visiting the farms and processing plant. Going after our organic seal certification and the challenges I faced with the California Department of Public Health which at the end I must say they were a blessing to work with, as they walked me through the dos and don’ts from the Food industry.
Reading my own label on the packages, felt like a dream come true for me, a step closer to realizing my mission. To be part of a movement of wellness and clean-eating. As I would open each box with excitement I would play back in my mind the countless hours invested in label design, research, filing proper documentation, passing inspections, etc. Oh my God, it is even hard for me to believe that I actually did this. I brought healthy food from one country to another. It is all so special as Peru not only holds a sweet loving memory of my childhood, but it is also a country rich in natural abundance from the Andes to the Amazons. My Superfood line comes from these territories and I had the honor to personally visit the farms. The land is blessed to feed the world with delicious nutrient-dense food. Now, I am bringing it here, to the United States my home of 30 years!!! I know this may not be a big deal for many other businesses or people that have done this but for me, it is a BIG DEAL and I am celebrating this accomplishment with YOU!!
Last week as I received all those legal documents from customs inspections, certifications, shipment documents, and FDA approvals I felt like if I was playing grown-up 🙂 It was all happening very fast and a sense of fear knocked my door once again. My mind started playing the many different “What Ifs” over and over. What if I can’t sell it? what if I am doing this all wrong? what if nobody likes my products? what if it all fails???
Cancer and superfoods
Cancer has taught me to set boundaries for myself and others. Recognizing that the “What Ifs” were only going to wreck this very exciting process, I decided to push them away, ignore them all and continue to move forward with courage. The excitement to see all this unfold before my eyes was much STRONGER than my fear to fail. I have the blessing to work with an AMAZING team in Peru and in the U.S. The entire chain that began with farmers, my supplier, packaging, labeling etc, to shipping it here and working with the most delightful customs’ broker was an impressive learning experience. The entire process was delightful and everything ended smoothly. I now have my delicious health-giving Superfoods in my possession and available to the world.
I am also delighted to support Paz y Esperanza with my “Superfoods Project” a non-profit organization from Peru that is very dear to my heart. Paz y Esperanza is a human rights organization, inspired by Christian principles and values, born in Peru in 1996. Also known as Peace & Hope, Paz y Esperanza works alongside individuals, families, and communities in poverty so that they can live with dignity, free from violence and injustice. By purchasing one or more of our Peruvian Superfoods products you will become a Freedom Partner. For every Peruvian Superfood bag you buy we donate to Peace & Hope. To learn more click here!
I am extremely thankful for the opportunity to be on this journey. The wonderful support received from my family was infallible. My mission is to inspire a healthier lifestyle and collaborate with like-minded individuals to bring forth this movement of wellness. To advocate and empower others to live healthy one clean step at a time. Looking ahead with much excitement to contribute in a positive way in the lives of many.
I now encourage you to visit my shop to learn more about my products and try them out for yourself. If you have a store or a wellness practice and you are interested in partnering with me, I would love to hear from you. In the meantime, I thank you for walking this journey with me and for your continual prayers and loving messages. I just LOVE to hear from all of you all the time from all the many places in the world. I send you many blessings and much love always.
Power Thought: No matter the challenges you face, “No Raging Waters will Drown Your Dreams”
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hey there
I'm Karen!
I have found my cancer journey to be a positive and profound transformational experience. I’m inspired to share my healing journey here, and trust you’ll find hope, encouragement and purpose as you discover the healing power that lies within you.
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How exciting, Karen!!! So great!
These look amazing! So nutritious and healing. I can’t wait to get my hands on some!!