World Cancer Day 2020

Today we celebrate World Cancer Day a memorable day born on February 4th, 2000 at the World Summit Against Cancer for the New Millennium in Paris. World Cancer Day is an international day marked to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment. This event takes place every year ever since,…

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10 Cancer Prevention Tips for this New Year

Cancer Prevention Tips. Can you believe we are in our last week of January 2020? No joke when they say time flies! I know many of us have started the year with new diet goals or exercise regimens to keep us healthy. While this is wonderful, unfortunately, it is not long-lasting for most. Why is…

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Keto or Plant-based: which is the Best Diet for Cancer?

Every year around this time, many of us are already starting to give up on their New Year’s resolutions as yet another fad diet fails to deliver. These days, the ketogenic diet is one of the biggest diet trends. The popularity of the ketogenic diet (also known as keto) has surpassed even Atkins. The premise…

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Iodine Deficiency and Cancer

Epidemic of Deficiency Most people in our highly industrialized world are deficient in iodine. While most of us are only mildly familiar with iodine, mostly thinking of it as an additive to table salt, it is actually a vitally important mineral that removes harmful microbes from you body, is a powerful anti-inflammatory, and is responsible…

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