Is Surgery an Answer to Cancer?

Banner Karen Berrios Is Surgery an Answer to Cancer Thyroid Health

Is Surgery an Answer to Cancer? Cancer is one of the deadliest, most challenging, and hardest-to-fight diseases people face these days, and still, science can’t completely understand why it occurs and how to successfully treat it. Not only does it differ from body part to body part, but it also depends on a variety of…

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Can I Take Ozempic if I Had Thyroid Cancer?

Banner Karen Berrios - Can I take Ozempic if I had thyroid cancer - Mental Health

Can I Take Ozempic. It seems like these days, no weight loss story can go by without the mention of Ozempic, the so-called miracle drug that helps you lose weight in a matter of weeks. Every celebrity and media person with a history of poor weight management has officially and unofficially mentioned Ozempic as the…

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Why I Don’t Support Cancer Awareness Charities?

Banner Why I Don't Support Cancer Awareness Charities

Why I Don’t Support Cancer Awareness Charities. Although this might be a harsh statement to begin with, I’m not hiding the fact that even though I’m a cancer survivor myself, I don’t support cancer awareness charities. Cancer awareness is one thing, and being more educated and knowledgeable about what’s happening in this field is commendable.…

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What Is a Dopamine Detox and Does It Work?

Banner Karen Berrios What is a dopamine detox and does it work - Journey - Mental Health

Dopamine Detox. In today’s world, we’re often easily distracted and engaged. Whether we do it consciously or unconsciously, the fact remains: we’re rarely ever alone with our thoughts. There’s always some sort of activity that we “need to do” in order to get that shot of dopamine, helping us relax and getting us into our…

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What is the Difference Between PTSD & Complex PTSD?

What is the Difference Between PTSD Complex PTSD Karen Berrios Banner

PTSD Complex PTSD. In recent years the global focus has shifted toward the topic of mental health disorders, spreading more awareness around their symptoms and causes, and finding healing solutions in everything from behavioral therapy to psychedelics. PTSD and Complex PTSD are one of these mental health disorders that have been amongst us for a…

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How to Process Emotional Pain

How to Process Emotional Pain

The Emotional Pain. We all go through seasons in life, some of which are exciting and joyous, and others that are painful and emotionally hard. These difficult moments are hard to accept and often really hard to process, but they are a normal part of life that we have to learn how to deal with…

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What is Helicobacter Pylori?  And How is it Connected to Cancer?

Helicobacter Pylori, or H. Pylori for short, is a harmful bacteria that attacks your stomach and can create serious and severe side effects, some of which might even lead to cancer. Even though it’s thought to affect about half of the world’s population and many people might never even feel its symptoms, the infection that…

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Can you Reverse Cancer with a Plant-Based Diet?

Reverse Cancer. Plants are rich in a variety of different vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other powerful compounds that are well-known and studied for their incredible health benefits. Following a predominantly plant-based diet ensures your body receives a plethora of these micronutrients and helps you fight inflammation, relieve pain and tension, establish a balanced microbiome, and…

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I’ve Been Diagnosed With Cancer, What Do I Do Now?

Diagnosed With Cancer. Hearing your doctor say the word “cancer” is probably one of the most difficult moments in life and it’s normal to be scared, sad, angry, anxious, and confused. You don’t know what the future holds and you’re starting to slowly panic, terrified for your life and what this diagnosis means for your…

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