September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month

September is the time of the year when the awareness around thyroid cancer is in full swing. The focus is on the importance of early detection, ways to prevent it, overall hormonal health, and how to support those affected by the disease.  Thyroid Cancer Thyroid cancer occurs when the cells in the thyroid gland start…

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May 25th – World Thyroid Day

May 25th - World Thyroid Day - Thyroid Health Karen Berrios

May 25th is widely recognized as World Thyroid Day. It is an international day to raise awareness about thyroid disorders and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment, in addition to sharing all of the new discoveries surrounding this important gland. The day was first established in 2008 by the European Thyroid Association and the…

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What are the Different Thyroid Conditions?

Banner What are the Different Thyroid Conditions - Thyroid Health Karen Berrios

Different Thyroid Conditions. The thyroid is a powerful gland, located in the neck, just below the Adam’s apple. It’s responsible for a variety of important processes in the human body, from regulating your body temperature to regulating your metabolism. Unfortunately, with the crazy busy, stressful, and overwhelming lives we all lead, its function can easily…

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Thyroid Healing Foods

Thyroid Healing Foods. When it comes to healing your thyroid, there are different avenues to consider, and depending on your condition, your healing journey might be completely different from someone else’s. That being said, there are some incredible thyroid-healing foods to include in your diet, whether you’re dealing with an under or overactive thyroid.  Underactive…

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January is Thyroid Awareness Month

Thyroid Awareness Month. Over the last decade, people have become aware of illnesses, diseases, and health conditions we face more and more each day. It’s not just heart disease and worrying about cholesterol levels anymore, and the gravity of the overall health situation worldwide has made health organizations to dedicate specific moments and months throughout…

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Things you Should Know About Thyroid Cancer

About Thyroid Cancer. Getting a thyroid cancer diagnosis is always hard and it may leave you feeling scared, sad, angry, and completely confused about what to do next. And although many people might be trying to help you by giving you ideas and solutions they think should be the next step, the ultimate decision falls…

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Does Thyroid affect the Gut?

Thyroid affect the Gut. The thyroid and gut connection is very important as the health of one affects the other. Our body is a complex system with a million parts that all need to work together to achieve balance and optimal health.  When there’s an imbalance or inflammation in one part of your body, others…

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Magnesium and Thyroid Health

Vitamins and minerals are incredibly important for the optimal function of all of our body systems and it’s only when we’re deficient that we actually realize and understand their role. We intake them through our food, but also dietary supplements as most of us can’t get adequate amounts just through our meals.  Unfortunately, the food…

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