Does Hypothyroidism And Hashimotos Cause Thyroid Cancer?

Hypothyroidism And Hashimotos. The American Cancer society has once said that around 62,450 people will be diagnosed with thyroid cancer every year. It is a big deal, and very prevalent! A big question is, does hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s cause thyroid cancer? Let’s explore that. Real risk factors for thyroid cancer Unfortunately, one of the biggest…

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What Herbs Help Thyroid Cancer

What Herbs Help Thyroid Cancer

What Herbs Help Thyroid Cancer. As someone who healed her thyroid cancer naturally, you can’t tell me that plants aren’t potent enough to move the needle when it comes to health and disease. Today we are talking herbs, which I define as small plants with a green stem. They have leaves, seeds, maybe even flowers-…

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Can Thyroid Cancer Be Reversed?

Thyroid Cancer Be Reversed. Thyroid cancer is so scary, so big. And while the mountain seems unclimbable, I know you can get over it. I know you can find yourself in the valley of healing. Can thyroid cancer be reversed? I believe so. I want you to know that what you have on your plate…

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Is Vitamin C Good for your Thyroid?

Vitamin C Thyroid. Did you know that many people that have thyroid conditions are often deficient in Vitamin C? As a thyroid cancer thriver and health enthusiast, I take Vitamin C extremely seriously. I even get high dose Vitamin C IVs from time to time. In my own diet on a day to day basis,…

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May 25th, World Thyroid Day!

Today, May 25th we acknowledge once again World Thyroid Day. A day that was created with the intention to promote awareness about thyroid-related diseases. Recognized globally by the American Thyroid Association in cooperation with the European Thyroid Association the Asia-Oceania Thyroid Association and the Latin American Thyroid Society, to empower people with education about the thyroid…

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January is “Thyroid Disease Awareness Month”

Thyroid Disease. Coming from a cancer diagnosis myself, I must say I had no idea that there was an actual month of the year dedicated to “Thyroid Disease Awareness.” According to the ATA – American Thyroid Association, the world’s leading professional association of medical specialists dedicated to education and research to improve thyroid disease prevention,…

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5 Years since I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer

5 Years since I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. It is hard to believe that five years have passed since my Thyroid Cancer diagnosis. In June 2014 my life and my family’s lives radically changed when we learned I had cancer. I still remember how afraid my family and I were, to hear the doctor…

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My Most Recent Scan!

My Most Recent Scan. Last Thursday morning I was scheduled to get an ultrasound for a follow-up imaging of my thyroid. My last scan was done in May 2018, and at the time everything looked stable. If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer you can probably understand how dreadful it is to go to those follow-up…

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The Thyroid and Gut Connection

The Thyroid and Gut Connection. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” It seems that there are many situations in life that can be represented by this. One of which is the connection between gut health and thyroid health. A healthy gut supports a healthy thyroid, and vice versa.…

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