Wendy Carr Miller
Certified Pilates Instructor
I have been a Certified Pilates Instructor since 2003. I take great pride in working at the appropriate pace required by each student making safety and care top priorities once they are aware of the Pilates basics.
As a career woman I found that Pilates provided an important balance in my life that my students have successfully achieved in their lives through time spent with me.
At the young age of 10 months, I experienced a severe dairy intolerance. Throughout my life, my digestive system has been a challenge and as I grew older, it became my goal to improve my health both internally and externally. The Paleo has truly worked for me along with my workout regine.
In 2003, I had loss some bone mass which encouraged me to begin Pilates. Pilates and my good eating habits have truly helped in providing healthier bones and a much happier digestive system all while encoura ging my clients to improve themselves along with me.